Be aware of your surroundings… It won’t always happen the way you might expect… read below. But don’t be afraid, get educated! Come to my seminar and get peace of mind.
A man we’ll call Joe was walking his date back to his truck late at night after a movie. As they walked up the ramp of the parking garage, Joe noticed a suspicious looking male approaching from up ahead. The man started talking to Joe as he approached, asking the time, waving his hands, and generally trying to distract Joe as he closed the distance. When he was about 30 feet away, Joe stopped, sensing something was wrong. He took a single step forward, putting his date behind him, and pointing directly at the man with his right hand. “That’s far enough,” was Joe’s only comment. The man stopped, somewhat stunned by Joe’s directness. He spread his arms and tried to smile at Joe disarmingly.
It was then that Joe heard a sound off to his right – another assailant coming up from Joe’s blind side. Without taking his eyes off the first man, Joe pointed his right hand in the direction of the second attacker. Joe’s left hand slipped up under his jacket to the small of his back and remained there. Joe nodded to the first man, “Tell him to stop right where he’s at, now!” The first man hesitated for only an instant, his eyes now locked on Joe’s left hand. The man looked in the direction of the second, still unseen person, and shook his head once. He then raised his arms back out slowly and backed away. “It’s cool, man…” was the man’s only comment before he turned and ran off. The unseen person to Joe’s right fled down a nearby stairwell.
Did the fact that Joe had a gun in his belt help get him out of that situation? It probably didn’t hurt, but the bad guys never even found out. What the bad guys did know was that Joe seemed very aware of his situation and prepared for a confrontation. Joe reacted immediately and assertively and it was that reaction which repelled his attackers. The bottom line? Weapons and defense training are immensely beneficial. But the real weapon is your mind. It is your mind that must be decisive, confident, and alert so that you are prepared for any situation that calls for defending yourself. Come learn how to be confident and assertive – it may save your life!